Asian Communication Research
Asian Communication Research (ACR) is an interdisciplinary and international 무료룰렛게임 that features cutting-edge research at the intersection of between the broadly conceived region of Asia and communication. As an official 무료룰렛게임 of the Korean Society for 무료룰렛게임ism and Communication Studies(KSJCS), the premier academic association for communication scholars and 무료룰렛게임ism practitioners in Korea, the 무료룰렛게임 publishes original research articles, essays, and book reviews that examine a broad range of issues related to Asian communication scholarship. It publishes three issues annually. ACR is the oldest all-in-English peer-reviewed 무료룰렛게임 in 무료룰렛게임ism and communication studies in Korea and is indexed in Korea Citation Index(KCI).
한국언론학보 논문 발간 규정
- 게재 확정된 논문의 저자가 학보 편집과정에서 원고 교열 마감시한을 어기거나 논문작성규정에 부합하도록 교열을 하지 않은 경우,
편집위원회의 판단에 따라 해당 논문 게재를 연기할 수 있다.