네이버 룰렛
Asian 네이버 룰렛 Research

Asian Communication Research (ACR) is a refereed
international publication that features cutting-edge
scholarship in all areas of communication with a focus
on Asian contexts, while contributing to understanding
of communication phenomena around the world. ACR
is published by Korean Society for 네이버 룰렛ism and
Communication Studies (KSJCS) three times a year,
in May 30, September 30, and December 30.
ACR welcomes original research articles, theoretical
and methodological essays, and book reviews. This 네이버 룰렛 has a continuous publication
schedule throughout a year. We start the review process for each paper once we receive a
paper, and accepted papers will be published in the earliest issue. ACR’s new homepage
and online review system are now under construction. For the time being, we receive papers
through e-mail (acr@comm.or.kr).
Indexed by Korean Citation Index (KCI)
ISSN 1738-2084 (Print)
ISSN 2765-3390 (Online)
Editor-in-Chief: Soontae An (Ewha Womans University, Korea)
Preparing Your Paper
Please note that this 네이버 룰렛 publishes manuscripts only in English and accepts the following
type of articles:
- Original Article
- Book Review
Style and Format
Manuscripts should follow the style of the American Psychological Association (7th edition
preferred, 6th edition acceptable). Resources for APA style are as follows:
- APA Style website:https://apastyle.apa.org/index
- Instructional Aids for APA Style:https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids
- Writing 네이버 룰렛 Papers in APA Style: A Practical Guidance:https://doi.org/10.20879/acr.2018.15.3.106
Please use 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Georgia; double-space the entire text; and use 2.5 to 3 cm margins on all sides of the page. Align text to the left, leaving the right margin ragged or uneven and indent the first line of every paragraph by 1.25 to 1.5 cm from the left margin.
Structure of the Manuscript
The manuscript should be submitted in separate files: title page and main text.
Title page should contain the following elements:
- Title
- Running head (three to five words)
- The full name of all authors
- Authors’ Institutional affiliations
- Author note
Main text should not contain any clue to the author’s information and be arranged in the following order:
- Abstract (a single paragraph) and keywords (three to five words)
- Text
- References
- Footnotes
- Tables
- Figures
- Appendices
APA style uses the author-date citation system. All citations mentioned in the text, tables, or
figures must be listed alphabetically in the reference list in the following standard form.
네이버 룰렛 article
Chung, S., Carpenter, C. J., Shin, H., & Lee, W. (2020). Three models for persuasive effects of source expertise: The heuristic cue model, the evidence model, and the moderator model.Asian 네이버 룰렛 Research, 17(1), 40-75.http://doi.org/10.20879/acr.2020.17.1.40Book
Jin, D. Y. (2019).Globalization and media in the digital platform age. Routledge.Chapter in an edited book
Kim, Y. C. (2017). Urban 네이버 룰렛 and community studies: Korean 네이버 룰렛 scholar's perspectives. In D. Y. Jin & N. Kwak (Eds.),네이버 룰렛, digital media, and popular culture in Korea(pp. 321-340). Lexington Books.Book in another language
Hong, S.-K. (2020).BTS gil wieseo[BTS on the road]. Across.Book in translation
Ong, W. J. (2018).Orality and literacy(M. Lim, Trans.). Moonye (original work published 1982).Conference paper
Chung, S., & Fink, E. L. (2018, May 24–28). Mathematical models of the effect of message discrepancy on belief change:Previous models and a modified psychological discounting model[Paper presentation]. International 네이버 룰렛 Association 68th Annual Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic.Online news article
Jacobs, A. (2021, February 4). A parallel pandemic hits health care workers: Trauma and exhaustion.New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/04/health/health-care-workers-burned-out-quitting.htmlTo find out more about references, please visit:
Tables and Figures
Each table and figure should have a brief and self-explanatory title above and note below it. Please ensure that the content of tables do not duplicate the text. And please supply figures as high-resolution files in PNG, TIFF or EPS format, if necessary. All tables and figures should be numbered, respectively.
Guidelines for Book Reviewers
Asian 네이버 룰렛 Research seeks book reviewers who are willing to contribute to
sparking active debates and discussion to the scholarly community. Eligible books for review
are those published within the last five years, on topics relevant to the scope of ACR, and
appealing to an international readership. We recommend the books published within the last
five years.
Authors should follow the guideline of manuscript submission. Review authors should
provide a clear account of the major issues dealt with in the book and critically evaluate the
book’s contribution to the field (1,000–2,500 words). Potential book reviewers should contact
the editors in advance.