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네이버 룰렛

Asian 네이버 룰렛 Research

Asian 네이버 룰렛 Research

Asian Communication Research (ACR) is a refereed international publication that features cutting-edge scholarship in all areas of communication with a focus on Asian contexts, while contributing to understanding of communication phenomena around the world. ACR is published by Korean Society for 네이버 룰렛ism and Communication Studies (KSJCS) three times a year, in May 30, September 30, and December 30.

ACR welcomes original research articles, theoretical and methodological essays, and book reviews. This 네이버 룰렛 has a continuous publication schedule throughout a year. We start the review process for each paper once we receive a paper, and accepted papers will be published in the earliest issue. ACR’s new homepage and online review system are now under construction. For the time being, we receive papers through e-mail (

Indexed by Korean Citation Index (KCI)
ISSN 1738-2084 (Print)
ISSN 2765-3390 (Online)

Editor-in-Chief: Soontae An (Ewha Womans University, Korea)

Preparing Your Paper

Style and Format

Structure of the Manuscript


Tables and Figures

Guidelines for Book Reviewers