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카지노 룰렛 전략공지사항

[공지] Asian Communication Research(ACR) Vol. 14 No. 2 게재 논문 공모

관리자 | 2017. 07. 26

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2.한국언론카지노 룰렛 전략 영문저널 Asian Communication Research(ACR)의 14권 2호 발간을 위한 논문 투고를 <다 음과 같이 받고자하오니 많은 관심을 부탁드립니다. ACR은 이번호부터 KCI등재지로 인정받게 되었음을 알려드립니다.

<다 음

Call for Papers

Asian Communication Research (ACR) is now accepting submissions for Vol. 14 No. 2 to be published in December 2017. ACR is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, published by the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies since 2004. ACR seeks to offer scholars a dedicated publication that promotes scholarship in the fields of communication studies across a variety of media. We focus on the critical, theoretical and empirical exploration, within a wide range of disciplines and Asian studies on issues touching upon any aspect of media and communication. ACR is now indexed in KCI.

Submission Guidelines

- Language: English

- Font: Times New Roman 12 pt

- Citation & References: APA Style

- Word count: 7,000 words (MS Word)

- Articles should be accompanied by a cover page with the paper title and author's details (institutional affiliation, email address, and postal address).

- Author name and other identifying information must not appear anywhere else in the manuscript except the cover page.

- All articles should be accompanied by an abstract of about 500 words and five keywords in English.

- Electronically submit to

Important dates:

Submission of manuscript: September 30, 2017

Publication: December, 2017

We are inviting authors to propose books that they wish to review. Books need to have been published since 2014 and appeal to an international readership. Reviews should be between 500 and 1,500 words. Authors should provide a clear account of the major issues dealt with in the book and evaluate critically its contribution to the field.

All submitted manuscripts and book reviews must be original. The submission could not have been published previously nor can any material be drawn from previously published work. Submissions to ACR must not be under consideration in any form by publication elsewhere.

For more information, please visit our website at

If you have any inquiry, please contact,

Editor in Chief

Jae Chul Shim (Korea University, Republic of Korea,


Byoung Hee Kim (Seowon University, Republic of Korea,

Sung-Yeon Park (University of Nevada, USA,

  1. 이전글
    [공고] 선거관리위원회 위원 공고
  2. 다음글
    [공지] 한국언론카지노 룰렛 전략 제43-4차 정기이사회 개최