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복불복 룰렛 사이트공지사항

[복불복 룰렛 사이트] ACR 15권 1호 "헬스커뮤니케이션 인 아시아" 특별 호 논문 투고 연장 안내

관리자 | 2018. 04. 03

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2. 한국언론복불복 룰렛 사이트 영문저널 Asian Communication Research(ACR)의 15 권 1 호 “헬스커뮤니케이션 인 아시아” 특별 호 발간을 위한 논문 투고를 <다 음과 같이 연장하오니많은 관심을 부탁 드립니다. ACR 은 현재 학술등재지 (KCI) 이며, 2017 년 14 권 2 호부터 등재지로 인정받게 되었음을 알려드립니다.

<다 음

Call for Papers: Asian Communication Research Special Issue

“복불복 룰렛 사이트 Communication in Asia: within, beyond, and across borders”

Asia is the most populous and largest continent on Earth. It holds countries in various stages of economic development and political stability. Custom, culture, and religion in Asia are widely varied from one region to another. Fast economic development during the past century that continues to this day and rapid urbanization in the developing economies brought about threats to environmental 복불복 룰렛 사이트 in many forms. Accordingly, the state of population 복불복 룰렛 사이트 and 복불복 룰렛 사이트care system in Asia constitutes a wide spectrum that contains both extreme ends. This heterogeneity, in turn, may discourage 복불복 룰렛 사이트 practitioners and researchers from considering Asia as a unit in which 복불복 룰렛 사이트 policies and practices can be implemented and examined. In this call for paper, however, we highlight the potential gains researchers and policymakers can make by putting their research and policy agendas in the context of 복불복 룰렛 사이트 promotion and 복불복 룰렛 사이트 systems enhancement in Asia. Since the second World War, many countries in Asia have accumulated substantial knowledge and know-how in combating various 복불복 룰렛 사이트-related challenges and lent help to solve problems in other Asian countries by offering insights and direct assistance. The intra-continental coordination and collaboration will become more valuable and even urgent, as more people cross borders and so do pollutants and pathogens.

Communication plays a critical role in this alliance of Asian countries working together to exchange experiences and ideas to achieve the goal of population 복불복 룰렛 사이트 in Asia. Research has proven time and again that communication is an integral part of 복불복 룰렛 사이트 promotion. For this special issue, we ask authors to consider the multi-faceted nature of 복불복 룰렛 사이트 communication including but not limited to:

 Communication—whether face-to-face or mediated—amongst and between major stakeholders of 복불복 룰렛 사이트 care systems such as patients, 복불복 룰렛 사이트 providers, communities (both online and offline), 복불복 룰렛 사이트 care administrators, 복불복 룰렛 사이트 care organizations, businesses, and governments;

 Communication as a conduit of 복불복 룰렛 사이트 promotion messages and empowerment;

 Communication as an environment where 복불복 룰렛 사이트-related messages are produced,distributed, debated and processed, resulting in intended and unintended consequences;

 Communication as a tool of new discovery related to diseases and therapies, lifestyles affecting 복불복 룰렛 사이트, effective and efficient 복불복 룰렛 사이트 care delivery and consumption, and many others.

By embracing the definition of 복불복 룰렛 사이트 advocated by the World 복불복 룰렛 사이트 Organization—a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity—, we welcome submissions that expand the boundary of 복불복 룰렛 사이트 communication and 복불복 룰렛 사이트 communication research as well as those that address more traditional, core issues of 복불복 룰렛 사이트 communication. In terms of the methodological approach, we accept any mode of inquiry that is deemed appropriate for the chosen topic. Geographically, authors may choose to focus on one country, several countries, or transnational issues. Staying true to the inter-disciplinary origin of both communication research and 복불복 룰렛 사이트 sciences, we are looking forward to receiving submissions by scholars from various fields such as communication, media studies, journalism, advertising, public relations, public 복불복 룰렛 사이트, social work, psychology, sociology, education, business, and computer science, among others. However, we will be particularly appreciative of manuscripts in which the authors make efforts to draw a clear connection between their research and the 복불복 룰렛 사이트 and quality of life of people in Asia.

Submission, Review, and Publication Process

 Submission deadline:April 15, 2018

 Style: APA style 6th edition (manuscripts in other citation styles will be considered for initial review)

 Manuscript preparation: (1) The manuscript should be written in English and contain7000 or fewer words, all inclusive. The manuscript should begin with an abstract of approximately 500 words, immediately followed by five keywords on the same page. Throughout the entire manuscript, care should be taken not to include any information that identifies the author(s). (2) A separate cover page containing the paper title and author(s)’s name, institutional affiliation, email, and postal address is also required. To be considered for the special issue, authors should note on the top of the cover page as follows: “ACR Special Issue: 복불복 룰렛 사이트 Communication in Asia”

 Submission method: email both the manuscript and cover page as attachments

 Review: Manuscripts will be sent out to expert reviewers for blind peer review and those selected will subsequently enter the editorial publication process.

About the Journal: Asian Communication Research

ACR is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published by the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies since 2004. ACR aspires to serve as a dedicated publication outlet that promotes thoughtful and innovative scholarship examining any aspect of media and communication in Asia. We are open to various modes of academic inquiry, including but not limited to social scientific, critical and cultural, and theoretical. ACR is indexed in Korea Citation Index (KCI).

Contact Information

Any questions concerning this call for papers may be directed to the special issue editors: Dr.Sung-Yeon Park, Associate Professor, School of Community 복불복 룰렛 사이트 Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno, USA (; Dr. Gi Woong Yun, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Advanced Media Studies, Reynolds School of Journalism, University of Nevada, Reno, USA (

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