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카지노 룰렛 게임공지사항

[카지노 룰렛 게임] Asian Communication Research(ACR) Vol. 16 No.2 논문 공모

관리자 | 2019. 06. 04

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2. 한국언론카지노 룰렛 게임 영문저널 Asian Communication Research(ACR) 16권 2호 논문을 공모합니다. 이에 <다 음과 같이 안내드리오니, 관심 있는 회원님들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

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Call for Papers

Asian 카지노 룰렛 게임 Research Special Issue

“De-Westernizing 카지노 룰렛 게임 Research: Asian Perspectives”

Despite the political independence of non-Western societies, there were many concerns about economic, technological and cultural dependence.Especially in the 21st century, the gap between Western and non-Western societies was expected to decrease due to the development of information technology and globalization, but there is still controversy as to whether such expectations are met. In the academic culture, it is true that Western theories and methodologies stimulated and driven the knowledge production of non-Western scholars. But as Eurocentric biases are critically reexamined in the academic culture, there is increasing concern about dependence in knowledge production to deconstruct the over-universalized Western perspectives. Recent discourses have moved the de-Westernization issue to the field of media and 카지노 룰렛 게임 in the name of Afrocentricity or Asiacentricity. Of course, the meaning of de-Westernizing 카지노 룰렛 게임 research is not obvious. It has multifaceted meanings on several layers, such as the subject of study, the body of evidence, theoretical perspectives, and the academic culture. In the context of Asian 카지노 룰렛 게임 research, it means the accumulation of Asian body of evidence and expansion of the horizons of 카지노 룰렛 게임 research by analyzing phenomena that have been understudied in the West, but are very salient and important in Asian society. Furthermore, it refers to development of the theory and methodology suitable for analyzing the Asian 카지노 룰렛 게임 phenomenon from the Asian traditions of thought while reassessing and indigenizing the Eurocentric premises. There are two types of approaches to de-Westernization of 카지노 룰렛 게임 research; that is, the specialization of the universal and the universalization of the special. The one is to deconstruct the over-generalized fictitiousness of Western paradigm by reassessing the contemporary Western concept. The other is to indigenize 카지노 룰렛 게임 theory by modernizing the philosophical tradition contained in the classical texts of Asia.

All topics related to de-Westernization of 카지노 룰렛 게임 research are of interest, including, but not being limited to, the following topics:

- Reassessing the ontological and epistemological premise of the 카지노 룰렛 게임 theories proposed by Western scholars

- A critical review of how Western 카지노 룰렛 게임 theories and methodologies have been embraced by Asian researchers and what transformations and refractions were in the process

- Examining 카지노 룰렛 게임 phenomena, which is not important from a Western point of view, but has been pervasive in Asian society

- Research to identify and conceptualize key words suitable for theorizing Asian 카지노 룰렛 게임 phenomena

- A historical study on traditional media and 카지노 룰렛 게임 modes in Asia areas.

- Investigating카지노 룰렛 게임 ideas from classical traditions of thought as well as from modern cultural practices.

- Exploring the basic concepts regarding media and 카지노 룰렛 게임 in traditional Asian thoughts (e.g., Confucianism, Buddhism, Islam, etc.) and how they can be applied to contemporary 카지노 룰렛 게임 research

- An empirical study that examines and validates whether a particular methodology or measurement is appropriate in the Asian context

- Development new analytical frameworks or validation of measurement scales useful in analyzing the Asian 카지노 룰렛 게임 phenomenon

Submission, Review, and Publication Process

- Submission deadline: August 31, 2019

- Style: APA style 6th edition (manuscripts in other citation styles will be considered for

initial review)

- Manuscript preparation: (1) The manuscript should be written in English and contain

7000 or fewer words, all inclusive. The manuscript should begin with an abstract of

approximately 200 words, immediately followed by five keywords on the same page.

Throughout the entire manuscript, care should be taken not to include any information

that identifies the author(s). (2) A separate cover page containing the paper title and

author(s)’s name, institutional affiliation, email, and postal address is also required. To be

considered for the special issue, authors should note on the top of the cover page as

follows: “ACR Special Issue: De-Westernizing 카지노 룰렛 게임 Research”

- Submission method: email both the manuscript and cover page as attachments to

- Review: Manuscripts will be sent out to expert reviewers for blind peer review and those

selected will subsequently enter the editorial publication process.

About the Journal: Asian 카지노 룰렛 게임 Research

ACR is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published by the Korean Society for

Journalism and 카지노 룰렛 게임 Studies since 2004. ACR aspires to serve as a dedicated

publication outlet that promotes thoughtful and innovative scholarship examining any aspect of

media and 카지노 룰렛 게임 in Asia. We are open to various modes of academic inquiry, including

but not limited to social scientific, critical and cultural, and theoretical. ACR is indexed in Korea

Citation Index (KCI).

Contact Information

Any questions concerning this call for papers may be directed to the special issue editors: Dr. Tae-Il Yoon, Professor of the Department of Advertising & Public Relations, College of Social Sciences, Hallym University, South Korea (

  1. 이전글
    [공지] 한국언론카지노 룰렛 게임 신입회원 접수
  2. 다음글
    [공지] 한국언론카지노 룰렛 게임, <커뮤니케이션이론 15권 3호 일반논문 공모