[공지] 한국언론무료룰렛게임 <Asian Communication Research(ACR) 18권 1호 논문 공모
관리자 | 2021. 02. 19
1. 회원님의 건승을 기원합니다.
2. 한국언론무료룰렛게임에서 <Asian Communication Research(ACR)18권 1호 논문을 공모합니다. 이에 다음과같이 안내해 드리니, 관심있는 회원님들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
- 다음 -
Greetings from the New Editor-in-Chief
As of January 28, 2021, I am honored to serve as Editor-in-chief of the Asian Communication Research (ACR), succeeding Dr. Jae‐chul Shim, who has been Editor-in-chief since 2017. I am also very proud to be working with a new committed team of Associate Editors and outstanding Editorial Board Members. Continuing the journal’s excellent tradition, we will do our best to find high quality Asia-related communication studies and make them available to international readers. In particular, while working with contributors, we will strive to make this journal and its publications more reliable by following principles and ethical standards that scholarly work should follow.
Call for Manuscript Submissions
We are currently accepting submissions for our first issue of 2021 (Vol. 18 No. 1). Asian Communication Research (ACR) is a peer-reviewed, international journal of the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (KSJCS). Since 2004, we are dedicated to the publication of original scholarship that enhances our understanding of media and communication. While focusing on Asian perspectives, ACR has an international readership; thus, submissions from diverse geographic areas and cultures are welcome. Manuscripts may be theoretical, methodological, critical, empirical, applied, pedagogical, or philosophical. ACR is registered in the Korean Citation Index (KCI) and published triannually in May, September, and December. All manuscripts submitted by March 21 will undergo peer review after initial editor screening for publication, scheduled to be on May 30, 2021.
●Submission Deadline: March 21, 2021
●Scheduled Date of Publication: May 30, 2021
Submission Guidelines:
●Prepare the manuscript in English using APA (latest edition) citation style in MS Word format (*.doc, *.docx).
●The length of the manuscript should fall between 6,000 to 9,000 words, including abstract, references, tables/figures, and endnotes.
●Please supply an abstract of up to 200 words and three to five keywords.
●Please include a separate title page with detailed author information.
●All submitted manuscripts and book reviews must be original writing.
●Inquiries and manuscript submissions should be sent toacr@comm.or.kr
We are also inviting reviews of books on topics relevant to the scope of the journal. Eligible books for review are those published within the last five years and appealing to an international readership. Authors should provide a clear account of the major issues dealt with in the book and critically evaluate the book’s contribution to the field (1,000–2,500 words). Potential book reviewers should contact the editors in advance.
For more information about submission guidelines, please visit
If you have any inquiry, please contact:
Sungeun Chung (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea,chseun@skku.edu)
Associate Editors
Borae Jin (Joongbu University, Korea,bjin23@gmail.com)
Kyun Soo Kim (Chonnam National University, Korea,kimk@jnu.ac.kr)
Minsun Shim (Inha University, Korea,mshim@inha.ac.kr)
Associate Managing Editor
Daeun Jeong (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea,acr@comm.or.kr)