외부공지카지노 룰렛 전략
[안내] 한미커뮤니케이션학회(카지노 룰렛 전략), <Open Communication ICA 개최 및 발표 논문 공모
관리자 | 2019. 10. 23
1. 회원님의 건승을 기원합니다.
2.한미커뮤니케이션학회(카지노 룰렛 전략)에서는<2020 ICA: Open Communication 세션 개최 및 논문 공모를<다 음과 같이 진행할 예정이오니, 학회원들의 많은 관심과 참여를 바랍니다.
<다 음
ICA (International Communication Association)
카지노 룰렛 전략 (Korean American Communication Association)세션 논문 공모
카지노 룰렛 전략는 올해도 CCA (Chinese Communication Association)와 협력하여 두개의 공동 세션을 진행할 예정입니다.
카지노 룰렛 전략에서 총 6편 정도의 논문을 채택하려고 합니다. 2020년 ICA의 주제는 “Open Communication”입니다.
Open science 환경에서의 커뮤니케이션의 역할에 관해 논의하는 깊이 있는 토론의 장을 마련하고자 합니다.
□ 주제: “Open Communication”(한국 혹은 동아시아에서의 커뮤니케이션과 관련된 대부분의 주제)
□ 개최 일시: 2020년 5월 21일 ~ 2020년 5월 25일
□ 장소: 호주 골든코스트
□ 논문 제출 마감: 한국 시간 기준 12월 1일 (일) 13 : 59
미국 동부시간 기준 11월 30일 (토) 23 : 59
□ 논문 형식과 제출에 관한 보다 자세한 카지노 룰렛 전략은 아래의 영문 Call For Paper에 기재되어 있습니다.
□ 문의 카지노 룰렛 전략 및 논문 제출: ICA KACA 부회장 강진애 교수 (kangj@ecu.edu)
Korean American Communication Association
Call for 2020 ICA Papers and Ad-hoc Reviewers
Gold Coast, Australia | May 21- 25, 2020
Korean American Communication Association (카지노 룰렛 전략) will hold two competitive paper sessions, jointly with Chinese Communication Association (CCA) at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA). We invite you to submit your completed papers related to any of the following topics:
카지노 룰렛 전략 & CCA Joint Competitive Research Paper Topics:
Research endeavors relating to Korean- or East Asian-related communication themes, including but not limited to the following areas: intercultural- or cross-cultural studies; communication and new technologies; advertising, public relations, campaigns; journalism; political communication; science, health, environment, and risk communication; circulation of Korean cultural products in the world. We welcome studies reflecting the ICA conference theme of “Open Communication” in the context of Korea or East Asia (for more information of the ICA general calls for papers, visithttps://www.icahdq.org/page/2020CFP).
Format: Those who are interested in presenting at any of the sessions should submit an original and completed paper in a form of PDF or Word. Completed papers are limited to 25 pages in length (Times New Roman, double-spaced excluding references and tables, with 12-point size and 1-inch margins). A brief abstract (less than 200 words) is required. APA style for citations, references, tables and figure captions are preferred. Three anonymous reviewers will evaluate submitted manuscripts in terms of quality of theory development, the methods employed and significance of the findings.
For those who do not plan to submit a paper to 카지노 룰렛 전략 sessions this year, please consider acting as an ad-hoc reviewer for 카지노 룰렛 전략. Please send me an email, indicating your preferred methodology and areas of expertise. Your service as a 카지노 룰렛 전략 reviewer is greatly appreciated.
Paper Submission:
Two separate files are required for the paper submission: (1) Cover page; and (2) Manuscript.
Cover Page:A separate cover page is required. The cover page should include the following information:
□ Paper title
□ 3 to 5 key words
□All author names, affiliations, and departments listed in the order as they appear on the paper
□ Corresponding author and contact information including e-mail address and phone number if different from the first author.
Manuscript:For blind reviewing of submissions, all author identification should be removed from the document except the cover page.The manuscript that receives the highest evaluation scores for faculty and student paper competition in 카지노 룰렛 전략 Competitive Research Paper session, respectively, will be selected as the Best 카지노 룰렛 전략 Faculty and Student Paper, and will receive an award plaque. Only completed papers will be considered for the Best 카지노 룰렛 전략 Paper Award. Award recipients must be a registered member of 카지노 룰렛 전략 at the time of award ceremony.
Please send your completed papers to Dr. Jin-Ae Kang atkangj@ecu.eduno later than 11:59 pm (EST), Saturday, November 30.
You do not need to be a member of the ICA or the 카지노 룰렛 전략 to submit a paper for the sessions. However, if your paper is accepted for the session, you will need to (1) register for the conference and (2) attend the conference to present your paper. Detailed information about the conference can be found at the ICA home page athttp://www.icahdq.org.