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[안내] 글로벌공공외교센터, <2020 Korean Public Dioplomacy Paper Contest 개최

관리자 | 2020. 06. 16

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2. 글로벌공공외교센터에서 <2020 Korean Public Diplomacy Paper Contest 를 개최합니다. 이에 아래와 같이 안내해 드리니, 관심있는 회원님들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

- 아 래 -

2020 Korean Public Diplomacy Article Contest


The 2020 Korean Public Diplomacy Article Contest aims to promote a better understanding of Korea in the international community and broaden the views and ideas on public diplomacy.

We seek outstanding written works from undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. students who are interested in Korean public diplomacy.

Your works will be evaluated based on their originality and your suggestions for the field, and winners will have an opportunity for publication.

Participants must submit a paper on one of the following topics

- The Role of Korean Public Diplomacy in Addressing Global Issues

- Korean Public Diplomacy and COIVD-19

- Korean Digital Public Diplomacy in the 4th Industrial Revolution

- Innovative Model for the future or Korean Public Diplomacy

Best Article Awards

Grand Prize (1 student): Certificate and

KRW 1,000,000

First Prize (2 students): Certificate and

KRW 500,000 (each)

Second Prize (2 students): Certificate and

KRW 250,000 (each)

Special Prize (15 students): Certificate and

KRW 250,000 (each)

Deadline for Submission: Sep 30, 2020

Submissions /

Word Count: 8000 words

Eligibility: Non-Korean undergraduate, graduate or Ph.D. students enrolled at university in Korea or overseas

For more information, please visit the website


  1. 이전글
    [안내] 중앙선거관리위원회 선거연수원, <2020 하반기 선거·정치제도 개선을 위한 논문 공모
  2. 다음글
    [안내] 사이커뮤니케이션룰렛, <사이버커뮤니케이션학보 제37-3호 일반논문 및 리뷰논문 공모