[안내] 서울대학교 언론정보학과 BK21 FOUR "자유롭고 책임있는 AI 미디어" 교육연구단 & 언론정보연구소, <제20회 해외저명학자 초청 특강 개최 안내
관리자 | 2023. 07. 07
1.회원 여러분의 건승을 기원합니다.
2.서울대학교 언론정보학과BK21 FOUR "자유롭고 책임있는 AI 미디어" 교육연구단과 언론정보연구소에서 <제20회 해외저명학자 초청 특강을 개최합니다.이에 다음과 같이 안내해 드리니,관심 있는 회원님들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
-다 음-
The implementation of unprecedented physical and social distancing measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 has significantly impacted psychological well-being on a global scale, and the relationship between social media use and mental health has received significant scholarly attention. In this talk, I will present recent collaborative research that explores the role of social media as a repository for archiving digital traces of one’s past self and its potential contributions to coping with mental health challenges during the pandemic. Survey data collected from both the United States and South Korea will be presented, and implications of the findings will be discussed.
Roselyn J. Lee-Won (Ph.D., Stanford University) is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the Ohio State University. She studies interpersonal and intergroup processes in technology-mediated environments and their implications for psychological and physical well-being, focusing on the role of self, social identity, and emotions. Her research has been recognized by top paper awards from the Media and Disability Interest Group, the Mass Communication Division, and the Communication Technology Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), the Intergroup Communication Interest Group and the Communication and Technology Division of the International Communication Association (ICA), and the Human Communication and Technology Division of the National Communication Association (NCA).