


[안내]한미커뮤니케이션협회, 카지노 룰렛 전략-AEJMC 세션 발표 학술 논문 모집 안내

관리자 | 2024. 03. 19

1. 회원 여러분의 건승을 기원합니다.

2.한미커뮤니케이션협회(Korean American Communication Association)에서2024 AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication)-카지노 룰렛 전략세션을위한발표논문을모집하고있습니다.대학원생분들의논문은별도의범주로고려되므로많은관심과참여부탁드립니다.

-다 음-

2024카지노 룰렛 전략-AEJMCResearch Session Invitation

The Korean American Communication Association (카지노 룰렛 전략) invites submissions of original research papers for the 2024AEJMC-카지노 룰렛 전략competitive research session. We encourage submissions that advance theories and understanding of various aspects of media and communication relevant to Korean and/or other Asian contexts. TheAEJMC-카지노 룰렛 전략session welcomes a variety of theoretical orientations and methodological approaches. Submissions from graduate students are highly recommended as student submissions are considered a separate category.

Location:AEJMC, Philadelphia, PA

Time:August 7-11, 2024 (Eastern Time)

Guidelines for All Submissions

1. Deadline

All submissions must be made no later than11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday, April 15, 2024.

2. Submission Categories (two categories):

A paper may be submitted in one of the two categories: (1) open or (2) student.

* Student papers must be authored or co-authored by students ONLY (no faculty co-authors), and all student papers must have the word “STUDENT” on the title page.

3. Submission Types:

1) Full papers

·25 pages max excluding abstract, references, tables, figures, and all notes.

2) Extended abstracts

·5 pages max excluding abstract, references, tables, figures, and all notes.

·Extended abstracts should contain all of the same content sections and elements that would normally be used in the full paper, including the study purpose, literature review, research questions and/or hypotheses, method, expected findings and implications.

·The main difference, however, is the length of the submission format. Extended abstracts must be at least 750 words long but no more than 1,500 words.

·For authors considering the extended abstract option, research findings and conclusions must be shared at the conference during the presentation.

4. Paper Formatting Guideline:

·Papers must be typed in a 12-point font, using Times New Roman, Times, or Arial.

·Paper text must be formatted with double line spacing with 1-inch margins on all sides of the document.

·References may be single-spaced, with a double space between citation entries.

·Consistent with the APA 7 style.

* Please note that a paper may NOT be under review if submitted simultaneously:

(1) with more than one division withinAEJMC, (2) with theAEJMCconference and any other conference, (3) with theAEJMCconference and any potential publication, including referred journals, book chapters, etc.

5. Submission Method

Please submit the files (the title/cover page file and the research paper file in MS Word or PDF format) toaejmc카지노 룰렛 전략@gmail.com

6. Submission Requirement, Process, and Paper Award

· All submissions must include a separate title/cover page and an abstract with approximately 250 words. A separate title/cover page should include the following information: paper title, author name, affiliation, mailing address, email address, and phone number.

· Author identification: Names and all information that may identify the author(s) should not appear anywhere in the research paper other than on the separate title/cover page.

· All submissions will be blind reviewed by two or three reviewers with expertise in the area.

· Presentation requirement:

oOnce the paper is accepted, at least one author of an accepted paper must attend the conference to present the paper.

oAuthors of accepted papers are required to forward papers to discussants and moderators prior to the conference.

·For paper submission, authors do not need to be a member of카지노 룰렛 전략orAEJMC. However, at least one author of an accepted paper must be a member of카지노 룰렛 전략.

· Only full papers will be considered for카지노 룰렛 전략division awards.

More information regarding the카지노 룰렛 전략social and the mentoring session for graduate students at카지노 룰렛 전략will be announced in subsequent announcements.

If you have anyquestions, please contact research chair Jungyun Won (wonj1@wpunj.edu).

Thank you!

2024AEJMC-카지노 룰렛 전략Committee

Jinhyon Kwon, Vice President,카지노 룰렛 전략(AEJMC) (jhammick@flagler.edu)

Kang Hoon Sung, Research Committee (kanghoonsung@cpp.edu)

Jungyun Won, Research Committee (wonj1@wpunj.edu)

Hayoung Sally Lim, Research Committee (hslim@uoregon.edu)

Hyungrok John Jin, Graduate Student Committee (jinhr@utexas.edu)

Soyon Michelle Choi, Graduate Student Committee (m.soyonchoi@utexas.edu)


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