룰렛 게임공지사항
[룰렛 게임] Asian Communication Research(ACR) Vol. 16 No.1 게재 논문 공모
관리자 | 2018. 11. 12
1. 회원님의 건승을 기원합니다.
2. 한국언론룰렛 게임 영문저널 Asian Communication Research의 16권 1호의 발간을 위한 논문 투고를 <다 음과 같이 받고자 하오니 많은 관심을 부탁드립니다.
3. ACR은 2017년부터 발행된 14권 2호부터 한국연구재단 학술지 등재(KCI)지로 인정받게 되었음을 알려드립니다.
<다 음
Call for Papers
Asian 룰렛 게임 Research Special Issue
“Science and Risk 룰렛 게임 in Asia: New challenges in communicating scientific progresses and risks”
As scientific discoveries progress in an unprecedent speed and scale, we often imagine great benefits of the newly acquired knowledge and technologies. However, the price tags attached to the progresses could be high when we do not understand the full scope of the impact. The problem is that the ideas in science is often quite too complex to communicate with the public easily. At times, it becomes even more difficult when scientists try to communicate new discoveries that have direct bearings to social and political policies and the livelihood of communities and individuals. The discoveries and risks are often over-simplified, hyped, or cherry-picked by the intermediaries such as politicians, journalists, or PR strategiests. It could be due to simple dependence on journalistic routines, genuine misunderstanding of the complexity of scientific mechamisms and processes, or intentional manipulation to bend objective knowledge in the interest of someone’s economic or political gains. Regardless, the history of scientific discovery evidences that great advances in science can bear dangerous consequences when no adequate assessment of the risks is conducted before their implementation. During the past 20th century, we experienced several major scientific discoveries resulting in profoundly negative consequences such as nuclear bombings, environmental disasters, climate changes, just to name a few. The humanity learned from the disasterous experiences and proliferation of some disciplines such as the philosophy of sicence, bioethics, and future studies could be considered as the evidence. However, the sheer speed and scale of scientific advancement in recent decades makes it very difficult to exercise the collective prudence in understadning the new discoveries and implementing them to benefit the human race while preserving the planet. This challenge is no less difficult in Asia where many countries greatly benefited from scientific progresses and, at the same time, face devastating destructions in their environment and ecosystem partly due to poorly planned and hastly implemented development projects.
For this special issue, we will focus on the 룰렛 게임 of science and risks. The topic of science encompasses a vast range of scientific fields including but not limited to agricultural science, artificial intelligent, bioengineering, chemical science, climate science, cybersecurity, evolutionary science, food science, health and medical science, neuroscience, nuclear engineering, psychological research, and stem cell research. The topic of risks includes any potential threats to the health and well-being of individuals and societies such as natural disasters and severe weather events, disease outbreaks, radiation and other chemical risks, and terrorism. Studies exploring the mechanisms of risk perceptions and decision-making process in risk management are welcome as well. We encourage authors to submit research manuscripts related to any aspects of communicating science and risks in Asia. We welcome review articles as well as original research, without a preference for a particular methodological approach.
Submission, Review, and Publication Process
- Submission deadline: February 15, 2019
- Style: APA style 6th edition (manuscripts in other citation styles will be considered for
initial review)
- Manuscript preparation: (1) The manuscript should be written in English and contain7000 or fewer words, all inclusive. The manuscript should begin with an abstract ofapproximately 200 words, immediately followed by five keywords on the same page.Throughout the entire manuscript, care should be taken not to include any informationthat identifies the author(s). (2) A separate cover page containing the paper title andauthor(s)’s name, institutional affiliation, email, and postal address is also required. To beconsidered for the special issue, authors should note on the top of the cover page asfollows: “ACR Special Issue: Science and Risk 룰렛 게임 in Asia”
- Submission method: email both the manuscript and cover page as attachments to
- Review: Manuscripts will be sent out to expert reviewers for blind peer review and those
selected will subsequently enter the editorial publication process.
About the Journal: Asian 룰렛 게임 Research
ACR is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published by the Korean Society for
Journalism and 룰렛 게임 Studies since 2004. ACR aspires to serve as a dedicated
publication outlet that promotes thoughtful and innovative scholarship examining any aspect of
media and 룰렛 게임 in Asia. We are open to various modes of academic inquiry, including
but not limited to social scientific, critical and cultural, and theoretical. ACR is indexed in Korea
Citation Index (KCI).
Contact Information
Any questions concerning this call for papers may be directed to the special issue editors: Dr. Gi Woong Yun, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Advanced Media Studies, Reynolds School of Journalism, University of Nevada, Reno, USA (gyun@unr.edu); Dr. Sung-Yeon Park, Associate Professor, School of Community Health Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno, USA (syp@unr.edu)